Results for 'Jacob L. Dubbeldam'

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  1.  70
    An annotated bibliography of C.j. Van der klaauw with notes on the impact of his work.Jacob L. Dubbeldam - 2007 - Acta Biotheoretica 55 (1):1-22.
    Van der Klaauw was a professor of Descriptive Zoology in the period 1934–1958. This paper presents a concise annotated overview of his publications. In his work three main topics can be recognized: comparative anatomy of the mammalian auditory region, theoretical studies about ecology and ecological morphology, and vertebrate functional morphology. In particular van der Klaauw developed new concepts on functional morphology, based upon a holistic approach. A series of studies in functional morphology of Vertebrates by his students is added. An (...)
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    The dark years?: philosophy, politics, and the problem of predictions.Jacob L. Goodson - 2020 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    In 1997 and 1998, the American secular philosopher Richard Rorty published a set of predictions about the twenty-first century ranging from the years 2014-95. He predicted, for instance, the election of a "strong man" in the 2016 presidential race and the proliferation of gun violence starting in 2014. He labels the years from 2014-44 the darkest years of American history, politics, and society. From 2045-95, Rorty thinks his own vision for "social hope" will be implemented within American society--a vision that (...)
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    The American Republic: William James on Political Leadership.Jacob L. Goodson & Quinlan C. Stein - 2022 - Contemporary Pragmatism 19 (1):35-58.
    Since Plato’s Republic, philosophers have outlined their expectations for political leaders and have offered judgments on the actions and decisions made by political leaders in their given context. It turns out that the American philosopher, William James, participates in this philosophical tradition. Although it has been assumed by professional philosophers—and even scholars of William James’s work—that James has no political philosophy, we argue that James’s political philosophy becomes both practical and useful for making judgments about and against political leaders.
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    Speech acts in context.Jacob L. Mey - 2011 - In Anita Fetzer & Etsuko Oishi, Context and contexts: parts meet whole? Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 209--171.
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    ZhaoHong Han and Teresa Cadierno (eds), Linguistic Relativity in SLA: Thinking for Speaking.Jacob L. Mey - 2014 - Pragmatics and Society 5 (1):156-163.
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    Building beloved community in a wounded world.Jacob L. Goodson - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. Edited by Brad Elliott Stone & Philip Rudolph Kuehnert.
    Is the beloved community local, national, global, or universal? What kind of love is required for the beloved community? Is such a community only an ideal, or can it be actualized in the here and now? Tracing the phrase beloved community from Josiah Royce through Martin Luther King Jr. to a variety of contemporary usages, Goodson, Kuehnert, and Stone debate answers to the above questions. The authors agree about the importance of beloved community but disagree on the details. These differences (...)
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    The unspeakable gift: Jouissance and interdiction.Jacob L. Mey - 2004 - Pragmatics and Cognition 12 (1):93-103.
  8.  47
    Barriers to communication in a computer age.Jacob L. Mey & Hiroshi Tamura - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (1):62-77.
    When people speak about “communication barriers”, what they usually think about are such things as the limitations set by human nature itself, or the constraints that are inherent in the tools we use for communicating. As an example of the first, consider the limited range of the naked human voice; for the second, we may think of the limitations imposed by such primitive communicative devices as the bonfire, the heliograph, or an old-fashioned megaphone.Our contribution draws attention to the fact that, (...)
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  9. Mordecai M. Kaplan and American Naturalism.L. Krafte-Jacobs - 1990 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 11 (1):3-46.
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  10. Can Christian thologians reason post-metaphysically? : Jürgen Habermas and the semblance of intellectual virtue.Jacob L. Goodson - 2014 - In Hartmut von Sass & Eric E. Hall, Groundless gods: the theological prospects of post-metaphysical thought. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications.
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    C. S. Peirce & Nested Continua Model of Religious Interpretation by Gary S. Slater.Jacob L. Goodson - 2017 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 38 (2):225-228.
    Gary S. Slater's C. S. Peirce & Nested Continua Model of Religious Interpretation comes to readers in the Oxford University Press series Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs. Before I say more about Slater's complex book, a story: Much philosophical scholarship on C. S. Peirce tends either to neglect the religious dimensions of his work or to secularize, demystify, and detheologize it. These secularized interpretations alienate those who read Peirce within the Christian and Jewish theological traditions and estrange the Transcendentalists within (...)
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    Learning of generalized imitation as the basis for identification.Jacob L. Gewirtz & Karen G. Stingle - 1968 - Psychological Review 75 (5):374-397.
  13.  24
    Stimulus units and range of experienced stimuli as determinants of generalization-discrimination gradients.Jacob L. Gewirtz, Lyle V. Jones & Karl-Erik Waerneryd - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (1):51.
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    Philodemus: On Poems, Books 3–4. With the Fragments of Aristotle, On Poets by Richard Janko (review).Jacob L. Mackey - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 107 (1):123-125.
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    A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel's Phenomenology.Jacob L. Goodson - 2024 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 45 (2):97-100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology by Robert B. BrandomJacob L. GoodsonA Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology. By Robert B. Brandom. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. 856 pp. $50.00 hardcover.What a feat: an interpretation of G. F. W. Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit that is longer than the Phenomenology of Spirit itself! With 757 pages of text, and reportedly a work that (...)
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    Psicodrama y Teoría política.Jacob L. Moreno - 2013 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 13.
  17.  19
    Attention to advertising and memory for brands under alcohol intoxication.Jacob L. Orquin, Heine B. Jeppesen, Joachim Scholderer & Curtis Haugtvedt - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:74963.
    In an attempt to discover new possibilities for advertising in uncluttered environments marketers have recently begun using ambient advertising in, for instance, bars and pubs. However, advertising in such licensed premises have to deal with the fact that many consumers are under the influence of alcohol while viewing the ad. This paper examines the effect of alcohol intoxication on attention to and memory for advertisements in two experiments. Study 1 used a forced exposure manipulation and revealed increased attention to logos (...)
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    Faith and Freedom: Contexts, Choices, and Crises in Religious Commitments.Jacob L. Goodson - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (2-3):138-141.
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    Cognitive Technology ? Technological cognition.Jacob L. Mey - 1996 - AI and Society 10 (3-4):226-232.
    Technology, in order to be human, needs to be informed by a reflection on what it is to be a tool in ways appropriate to humans. This involves both an instrumental, appropriating aspect (‘I use this tool’) and a limiting, appropriated one (‘The tool uses me’).
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    Rawls's commitment to fair equality of opportunity: Rethinking his arguments for democratic equality four decades later'.L. Jacobs - 2009 - In Shaun P. Young, Reflections on Rawls: An Assessment of his Legacy. Ashgate. pp. 61--71.
  21.  10
    Narrative Theology and the Hermeneutical Virtues: Humility, Patience, Prudence.Jacob L. Goodson - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    In Narrative Theology and the Hermeneutical Virtues, Goodson offers a philosophical analysis of the arguments and tendencies of the narrative theologies of Hans Frei and Stanley Hauerwas. Goodson concludes that the movement of narrative theology needs the language and logic of the virtues in order for it to survive within the modern academy.
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    Paul Moser: The Severity of God: Religion and Philosophy Reconceived.Jacob L. Goodson - 2015 - Faith and Philosophy 32 (4):474-478.
  23.  15
    William James, Moral Philosophy, and the Ethical Life: The Cries of the Wounded.Jacob L. Goodson (ed.) - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This edited volume demonstrates that a virtue-centered approach to the ethical life is a consistent feature of William James’s moral reasoning from the 1880s until his death in 1910. Little else, however, seems constant within James’s writings on moral philosophy and the ethical life, and this lack of constancy is what keeps James’s work of interest more than a century later.
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    The philosopher's playground: understanding scriptural reasoning through modern philosophy.Jacob L. Goodson - 2021 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Since its inception in 1994, scriptural reasoning has been practiced by academics and religious laypeople on an international scale. Scriptural reasoning is an activity or practice where Jews, Christians, and Muslims read and study together short passages from their traditionally sacred texts. In this book, Jacob L. Goodson describes this activity by giving a tour through modern philosophy and showing how certain arguments, ideas, and theories from modern philosophers help make sense of this inter-religious practice. According to Goodson, one (...)
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    William James, Moral Philosophy, and the Ethical Life.Jacob L. Goodson (ed.) - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This edited volume demonstrates that a virtue-centered approach to the ethical life is a consistent feature of William James’s moral reasoning from the 1880s until his death. Yet, little else remains constant within his writings on these subjects, and this inconstancy furthers interest in his work over a century later.
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  26. bce: Defeat and the Emergence of Jewish Peoplehood.PHd Jacob L. Wright - 2023 - In Stanley M. Davids & Leah Hochman, Re-forming Judaism: moments of disruption in Jewish thought. New York: Central Conference of American Rabbis.
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    Benjamin Bennett, Shaping a Modern Ethics: The Humanist Legacy from Nietzsche to Feminism.Jacob L. Goodson - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (1):79-81.
  28.  57
    Experience, Reason, and the Virtues: On William James's Reinstatement of the Vague.Jacob L. Goodson - 2010 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 31 (3):243-258.
    According to Hilary Putnam, “attention to James’s ethical intentions is essential to an understanding of him . . . [and] understanding both his pragmatism and his radical empiricism.”1 This essay develops Putnam’s insight concerning James’s work through an introduction to the ways in which James’s ethical intentions are essential to his radical empiricism as well as his understanding of how inquiry works. I show that James actually fits within the tradition of virtue theory, asserting that one’s character and disposition make (...)
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  29.  7
    American Philosophers Read Scripture.Jacob L. Goodson (ed.) - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    The practice and task of the philosophical interpretation of Scripture has been treated as a conversation-stopper within the academy. This collection corrects that tendency by offering substantive accounts of the role of Scripture in the philosophical thought of fifteen American philosophers.
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  30.  17
    Introducing Prophetic Pragmatism: A Dialogue on Hope, the Philosophy of Race, and the Spiritual Blues.Jacob L. Goodson & Brad Elliott Stone - 2019 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. Edited by Brad Elliott Stone.
    Pragmatism is a philosophical school of thought emphasizing action, practices, and practical reasoning whereas prophecy is an ancient religious concept that requires belief in the reality of God. Although these two concepts seem to not be a natural fit with one another, the authors demonstrate why prophetic pragmatism is “pragmatism at its best.”.
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    Rorty and the prophetic: Jewish engagements with a secular philosopher.Jacob L. Goodson & Brad Elliott Stone (eds.) - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book brings Jewish moral reasoning into conversation with Richard Rorty's secular neo-pragmatist philosophy, which often comes across as anti-religious. The result is a type of hope for the future concerning the relationship between Judaism and secularism.
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    The Mediated Influence of a Traceability Label on Consumer’s Willingness to Buy the Labelled Product.Cosmina Bradu, Jacob L. Orquin & John Thøgersen - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (2):283-295.
    This paper investigates the effectiveness of a new traceability label on consumer willingness to buy the labelled product and whether the effect is mediated by moral affective evaluations of the product. A between-subjects factorial design was used to test the effect of a new traceability label on willingness to buy a chocolate bar, while controlling for different product features and whether this effect was mediated through the consumer’s moral affective evaluations of the product. A broad sample of 1,064 ordinary Danish (...)
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  33.  19
    Interdisciplinary Studies in Pragmatics, Culture and Society.Alessandro Capone & Jacob L. Mey (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume is part of the series ‘Pragmatics, Philosophy and Psychology’, edited for Springer by Alessandro Capone. It is intended for an audience of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postgraduate and advanced researchers. This volume focuses on societal pragmatics. One of the main concerns of societal pragmatics is the world of language users. We are interested in the investigation of linguistic practices in the context of societal practices. It is clear that the world of users, including their practices, (...)
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  34. Handbook of moral behavior and development.William M. Kurtines & Jacob L. Gewirtz (eds.) - 1991 - Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum.
    The publication of this unique three-volume set represents the culmination of years of work by a large number of scholars, researchers, and professionals in the field of moral development. The literature on moral behavior and development has grown to the point where it is no longer possible to capture the “state of the art” in a single volume. This comprehensive multi-volume Handbook marks an important transition because it provides evidence that the field has emerged as an area of scholarly activity (...)
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    Learning in the context of evolutionary biology: In search of synthesis.Slobodan B. Petrovich & Jacob L. Gewirtz - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):160-161.
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    Murphy's surfers or: Where is the green? lure and lore on the internet. [REVIEW]Barbara Gorayska & Jacob L. Mey - 1996 - AI and Society 10 (3-4):233-258.
    In this paper, we explore some characteristics of the Information Superhighway and the World Wide Web metaphors in the light of the current developments in information technology. We propose that these characteristics constitute a form of conceptual slippage (often in the form of ‘lexical leakage’), which helps us detect and predict the tacit impact that the currently available information delivery systems are having on human cognition. We argue that the particular language associated with these systems evolves as a direct result (...)
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    Adaptability: Reflections. [REVIEW]Jacob L. Mey - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (2):180-185.
    The conclusion to be drawn from the preceding observations and theorizing should be that we must be very much aware of what has been called “technological functionalism” (Pieper, 1986:11). While functionalism as such is not bad, the moment it succumbs to mere structural technicality, the functions stop functioning: forced “adaptivity” takes the place of “adaptable” interaction.That this problem is not due to a primordial blame, to be attached to the computer, becomes clear when one compares the computerized environment to other (...)
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  38.  26
    How to create a cultural species: Evaluating three proposals.Ryan Nichols, Henrike Moll & Jacob L. Mackey - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (2):279-296.
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  39. Rethinking Cultural Evolutionary Psychology.Ryan Nichols, Henrike Moll & Jacob L. Mackey - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (5):477-492.
    This essay discusses Cecilia Heyes’ groundbreaking new book Cognitive Gadgets: The Cultural Evolution of Thinking. Heyes’ point of departure is the claim that current theories of cultural evolution fail adequately to make a place for the mind. Heyes articulates a cognitive psychology of cultural evolution by explaining how eponymous “cognitive gadgets,” such as imitation, mindreading and language, mental technologies, are “tuned” and “assembled” through social interaction and cultural learning. After recapitulating her explanations for the cultural and psychological origins of these (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Donald Melcer, Frederick B. Davis, Dennis J. Hocevar, Francis J. Kelly, Joseph L. Braga, Verne Keenan, Joseph C. English, Douglas K. Stevenson, James C. Moore, Paul G. Liberty, Thebon Alexander, Jebe E. Brophy, Ronald M. Brown, W. D. Halls, Frederick M. Binder, Jacob L. Susskind, David B. Ripley, Martin Laforse, Bernard Spodek, V. Robert Agostino, R. Mclaren Sawyer, Joseph Kirschner, Franklin Parker & Hilary E. Bender - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):212-225.
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    Rethinking Human Development and the Shared Intentionality Hypothesis.Henrike Moll, Ryan Nichols & Jacob L. Mackey - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (2):453-464.
    In his recent book “Becoming Human” Michael Tomasello delivers an updated version of his shared intentionality (SI) account of uniquely human cognition. More so than in earlier writings, the author embraces the idea that SI shapes not just our social cognition but all domains of thought and emotion. In this critical essay, we center on three parts of his theory. The first is that children allegedly have to earn the status of “second persons” through the acquisition of collective intentionality at (...)
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    Lettres sur le christianisme de M. J.-J. Rousseau, adressées à M. I. L., par Jacob Vernes,..Jacob Vernes & L. I. - 1764 - E. Blanc.
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    Brain organization and behaviour.J. L. Dubbeldam - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (4):469-479.
    Central question of this essay is, whether it is possible to relate specific aspects of the organization of sensorimotor systems to specific aspects of the behaviour. The role of the auditory system as part of a system for vocalization or as part of a system for prey localization and the different roles of the trigeminal system in the feeding behaviour of different birds are considered. The ascending sensory systems seem to possess a comparable organization in the various species. Also the (...)
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]E. Wayne Ross, Carole B. Shmurak, Rebecca Powell, Jacob L. Susskind, Linda B. Biemer & J. Preston Prather - 1994 - Educational Studies 25 (4):311-334.
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  45. Frontiers of Research in Economic Theory: The Nancy L. Schwartz Memorial Lectures, 1983–1997.Donald P. Jacobs, Ehud Kalai, Morton I. Kamien & Nancy L. Schwartz (eds.) - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    'Leading economists presenting fundamentally important issues in economic theory' is the theme of the Nancy Schwartz lectures series held annually at the J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management of Northwestern University. Reporting on lectures delivered in the years 1983 through 1997, this collection of essays discusses economic behavior at the individual and group level and the implications to the performance of economic systems. Using non-technical language, the speakers present theoretical, experimental, and empirical analysis of decision making under uncertainty and (...)
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    Learning From the Past to Advance the Future: The Adaptation and Resilience of NASA’s Spaceflight Multiteam Systems Across Four Eras of Spaceflight.Jacob G. Pendergraft, Dorothy R. Carter, Sarena Tseng, Lauren B. Landon, Kelley J. Slack & Marissa L. Shuffler - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    10 years of BAWLing into affective and aesthetic processes in reading: what are the echoes?Arthur M. Jacobs, Melissa L.-H. Võ, Benny B. Briesemeister, Markus Conrad, Markus J. Hofmann, Lars Kuchinke, Jana Lüdtke & Mario Braun - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:127321.
    Reading is not only “cold” information processing, but involves affective and aesthetic processes that go far beyond what current models of word recognition, sentence processing, or text comprehension can explain. To investigate such “hot” reading processes, standardized instruments that quantify both psycholinguistic and emotional variables at the sublexical, lexical, inter-, and supralexical levels (e.g., phonological iconicity, word valence, arousal-span, or passage suspense) are necessary. One such instrument, the Berlin Affective Word List (BAWL) has been used in over 50 published studies (...)
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    Review. [REVIEW]J. L. Dubbeldam - 1994 - Acta Biotheoretica 42 (4):325-327.
  49. (1 other version)Maimonides and Aquinas. A Contemporary Appraisal.Jacob Haberman & Joseph L. Blau - 1980 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 42 (1):145-145.
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    Pathways towards coexistence with large carnivores in production systems.L. Boronyak, B. Jacobs, A. Wallach, J. McManus, S. Stone, S. Stevenson, B. Smuts & H. Zaranek - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):47-64.
    Coexistence between livestock grazing and carnivores in rangelands is a major challenge in terms of sustainable agriculture, animal welfare, species conservation and ecosystem function. Many effective non-lethal tools exist to protect livestock from predation, yet their adoption remains limited. Using a social-ecological transformations framework, we present two qualitative models that depict transformative change in rangelands grazing. Developed through participatory processes with stakeholders from South Africa and the United States of America, the models articulate drivers of change and the essential pathways (...)
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